Wednesday, January 12, 2011

AZ Legislature passes bill to protect mourners against protestors

Statement by Governor Jan Brewer
        PHOENIX – "This evening, I have signed Senate Bill 1101 into law.  This bill passed unanimously out of both houses of the Arizona Legislature and represents a truly bipartisan effort to assure that grieving families and friends will be free from harassment and intimidation at the funerals of their loved ones.
“Senate Bill 1101 creates a 300-foot barrier between picketers and any location where a funeral or burial service is held.  Any person who violates the legislation is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.  This bill contains an emergency clause and is therefore effective upon my signature.
“In addition, last year I instructed the Arizona Attorney General to join 46 other states in a brief at the United States Supreme Court filed in support of the right of grieving families to seek a civil remedy against those that choose to protest and disrupt the funerals of their loved ones. 
“Such despicable acts of emotional terrorism will not be tolerated in the State of Arizona.  This legislation will assure that the victims of Saturday’s tragic shooting in Tucson will be laid to rest in peace with the full dignity and respect that they deserve.
“I want to commend the Arizona Legislature for coming together in a bipartisan manner to pass this legislation on the first full day of the legislative session.   This represents a remarkable spirit of unity and togetherness following Saturday's tragedy.”

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