Sunday, January 9, 2011

Update on Tucson assassination attempt

Six die, 13 injured in Tucson - Giffords' condition "hopeful"

Six people died and nine of 13 people shot at a Tucson mall just after 10 a.m. Saturday remain hospitalized at University Medical Center, including District 8 Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, 40, who remains in ICU, in critical condition after being shot in the head.

The remaining patients are still hospitalized, but are not listed as critical.

Doctors say Giffords has responded to simple commands and is being kept in a drug-enduced coma to prevent further swelling of the brain. According to physicians, the single bullet entered the left side of the brain from behind and went through the congresswoman's head. Doctors removed part of the skull to allow the brain room for the swelling that comes with such trauma.

The shooting suspect, Jared Loughner, 22, remains in federal custody charged with multiple charges of first degree murder and the attempted murder of a member of congress - five counts, all federal charges. Other charges may be forthcoming.

A nine-year-old girl, Christina Taylor Green, who had gone to see the Arizona Democratic congresswoman at the "Congress on Your Corner" gathering, was listed among those who died. She had just been elected to her school's student council and wanted to meet the congresswoman.

Others who died as a result of close range gun shots were U.S. District Judge John Roll, a friend of Giffords, Gabe Zimmerman, Giffords' 30-year-old aide, and three citizens who had come to the congresswoman's meet and greet, Dorothy Murray, 76; Dorwin Stoddard, 76; and, Phyllis Scheck, 79.

The incident occured at a Safeway Store on Oracle Road near Ina just outside of Tucson.

The suspect was tackled by bystanders before he could do further damage and was held until police arrived. He is not cooperating with authorities and at this time, there is no information on Loughner's motives.

An investigation continues into whether the shooter acted alone and there was some speculation about his coming to the meeting with another man, described only as being a White male in his 50's. That individual was found and questioned and had nothing to do with the suspect. He was reported to be a taxi driver who dropped Loughner off at the scene.

Gov. Jan Brewer has ordered flags in Arizona to be flown at half-mast and has revised her state of the state speech to be delivered Monday to reflect the tragic events of Saturday.

President Obama has called for a national moment of silence Monday at 11 a.m. EST.

It has been more than 30 years that a U.S. lawmaker was the victim of an assassination attempt. The attack on President Ronald Reagan occured on Monday, March 30, 1981, just 69 days into his presidency.

President Reagan and three others were shot and wounded by John Hinckley, Jr.  Reagan suffered a punctured lung, but prompt medical attention allowed him to recover quickly.

Giffords' medical team also acted quickly, getting her into the operating room just 38 minutes after she arrived at UMC. Doctors say they are hopeful and encouraged by her response, which they say indicate a high level of brain activity.

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