Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Payson Police announce grant award for DUI enforcement

Traffic enforcement, zero tolerance and education key to safer roads and highways

The Payson Police Department is pleased to announce that the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety has awarded a grant in the amount of $15,500 to enhance DUI enforcement in our community. The money will be used specifically to target aggressive drivers, impaired drivers, occupant protection, speeding and other highway safety laws with the goal of reducing injuries and fatalities.

The grant funds are part of an ongoing effort to make local roads and highways safer through a combination of traffic enforcement, a zero tolerance approach and public education regarding the dangers of driving under the influence, speeding, seat belt violations and other related issues.

The presentation of these funds from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety to the Payson Police Department enabled the department to purchase four preliminary breath test devices to assist in DUI investigations. Our department has enjoyed a lengthy, positive relationship with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and has been awarded many grants that have been beneficial to the Payson area.

1 comment:

  1. Always amazed at how there is suddenly no money for education of children in this state yet the cop shop always seems to come out on top with extra funding.
