Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Governor Brewer calls on U.S. Supreme Court to review and hear SB 1070 appeal

State of Arizona files petition requesting High Court overturn Ninth Circuit ruling

PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer and the State of Arizona today filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court asking for review of lower-court decisions that blocked critical elements of SB 1070, The Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act.

Today’s filing represents Governor Brewer’s steadfast commitment to defend SB 1070 and protect and defend the safety and wellbeing of Arizona’s citizens.

Statement from Governor Jan Brewer

“I am hopeful that the U.S. Supreme Court will choose to take this case and issue much-needed clarity for states, such as Arizona, that are grappling with the significant human and financial costs of illegal immigration. For too long the Federal government has turned a blind eye as this problem has manifested itself in the form of drop houses in our neighborhoods and crime in our communities. SB1070 was Arizona’s way of saying that we won’t wait patiently for federal action any longer. If the federal government won’t enforce its immigration laws, we will.

“But make no mistake, this legal battle is not just about Arizona. It’s about the bedrock Constitutional principle of federalism under which states have the inherent authority to protect the safety and welfare of their citizens. State action becomes a duty in times like these when the federal government has so thoroughly abdicated its responsibility.”

Statement from Attorney General Tom Horne

“One of the most shocking parts of the Ninth Circuit decision was the claim that Arizona was interfering with foreign policy, a federal monopoly. Arizona established no embassies or consulates, and signed no treaties. What it did do is adopt policies that other countries disagree with. If the Ninth Circuit holding that that is prohibited to the state is not overturned by the Supreme Court, this country’s sovereignty is in trouble.”

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