Tuesday, August 30, 2011

LIghtning sparked Horton Fire forces closure northeast of Tonto Christian Camp

Fire personnel on hand,  allowing 390-acre blaze to burn naturally 
Horton Fire area closure  

Payson, Ariz. (August 29, 2011) – Tonto National Forest officials announced today a temporary closure due to the Horton fire which began on August 25.
The closure order is effective beginning August 30.  The following is a description of the closure area:
Beginning at the northeast corner of the Upper Tonto Creek Campground and following the Horton Springs Trail #285 (included in closure order) for approximately two miles; then travelling cross county in a northerly direction for approximately three quarters of a mile to a 345 KV Arizona Public Service (APS) transmission line access road (FS 3675); then following the power line road in a southwesterly direction for approximately three quarters of a mile before cutting northwesterly to the Tonto Creek Estates private property boundary; then following the private property boundary to the banks of Tonto Creek and following the eastern bank of Tonto Creek to the Upper Tonto Creek Campground entrance road and up the Horton Creek drainage to the Horton Springs Trail.

The lightning-ignited Horton fire, first spotted on August 25, is burning slowly in an area approximately ¾  mile northeast of Tonto Christian Camp on the east side of Tonto Creek, roughly located between Horton Creek and the big 500 kV power lines in that area.  Fire personnel are on scene.

Payson Ranger District fire specialists are managing the 390-acre Horton Fire to accomplish forest plan objectives to allow fire to burn naturally in a fire-adapted ecosystem.

For information about prescribed fire, mechanical fuels reduction operations, and wildfires, please call the Payson Ranger District at 928-474-7900. Residents can also stay updated on prescribed fires at
www.fs.usda.gov/Tonto.  To report a wildland fire, the fire emergency number is:  866-746-6516, or dial 9-1-1.

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