Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Congressman Paul Gosar hosts his fourth Tele-Town Hall

AZ's District 1 Congressman talks with constituents about problems facing the nation and the District

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, DDS (AZ-01), hosted his fourth tele-town hall during the evening of Tuesday, Sept. 20. These tele-town halls are in addition to 18 in-person town halls that have been held throughout the District since January. As part of his effort to listen to his constituents and take their ideas back to Washington, Congressman Gosar reached thousands of constutuents on this call and was able to answer questions about the problems facing the nation and Arizona's First Congressional District.

“I am so encouraged by the participation we received last night,” said Gosar.  “When I am back in the district I make a point to hold in-person town halls and office hours, but when I’m in Washington I want to make sure the people of Arizona’s First District have the latest news and are able to talk directly to me about their concerns.  It is great to hear from the people and listen to their concerns.   It was no surprise to me that most people have the economy and jobs on their mind.   The support in the District for H.R. 1904, which would add 3,700 jobs, is overwhelming.  I am looking forward to continuing the conversation whether it’s on the phone, in person or even via email.  Keep the ideas coming.”

Gosar kicked off his first series of town halls throughout the district in his first month in office and has since regularly attended town halls and held office hours throughout the region.  Yesterday’s telephone town hall had over 8,000 individuals participating.  Constituents had the opportunity to ask questions, take part in a survey and leave a personal voicemail for the Congressman.  The poll question asked callers if they supported the President’s new plan to stimulate the economy with a $447 billion package.   63% percent of the respondents did not approve of the President’s plan, and only 20% said they would support it.   Most of the callers were concerned about job creation and the economy, and many callers expressed frustration with burdensome federal regulations.  Another hot topic was Congressman’s jobs bill, H.R. 1904 the Southeast Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011.  

Dr. Paul Gosar is serving his first term in Congress as the Representative to Arizona’s First Congressional District.  As a healthcare provider and small business owner, Gosar is focused on bringing jobs back to the district, reforming health care, reining in government spending and ensuring that his constituents are involved in the solution process.  For more information, visit his website at

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