Thursday, September 15, 2011

House passes H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interfence Act

H.R. 2587 addresses National Labor Relations Board's action against Boeing

Washington, D.C.--Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ), along with 238 of his colleagues, today passed H.R. 2587, the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act.  This bill reflects the authority of Congress to rein in executive agencies that have overstepped congressional authority and congressional intent.  The Obama Administration’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued controversial edicts and regulations that are detrimental to creating and sustaining jobs and economic growth.  H.R. 2587 addresses one of the most egregious NLRB actions, namely the Boeing case under which the Boeing Corporation is being attacked by the federal government simply because it wanted to expand its production facilities into a “right to work” state.   

“What the NLRB is doing is a perfect example why manufacturers have moved overseas or shut down.   A major manufacturer is simply trying to expand its facilities in another state, and the NLRB wants to shut it down.  The federal government needs to get out of the way and stop killing jobs.   But the NLRB has become yet another rogue agency, set on rewarding big unions at the expense of job creators and ultimately at the expense of anyone looking to work and achieve the American Dream. The NLRB’s actions against Boeing are a threat to the efforts of all job creators, particularly in ‘right to work’ states like Arizona.  Every American should be outraged when the federal government takes aggressive action to shut down our manufacturers,” said Gosar.

The NLRB filed a complaint against Boeing pursuant to claims from a powerful union, the International Association of Machinists.  The NLRB claims that in 2009, Boeing threatened union employees in Washington that the company would relocate work because of strikes. The agency filed its claim against Boeing in April of 2011.  Contrary to what the NLRB stated, the Boeing plant in Washington has added 2,000 jobs since Boeing’s decision was made to open a plant in South Carolina, which clearly belies the NLRB’s claim of retaliation on the part of Boeing.  The new South Carolina site will employ over 1,000 workers once it is at full capacity.  It should be noted that it is common practice for large manufacturers to have plants in different jurisdictions.

H.R. 2587 would prevent the NLRB from interfering where an employer can create jobs in the United States. The bill clarifies that the NLRB does not have the power to order an employer to stay in any particular state and it also prohibits the NLRB from requiring any employer to make an initial or additional investment at a particular facility. This legislation is supported by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Taxpayers Union, Alliance for Worker Freedom, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, American Hotel and Lodging Association, and Associated Builders and Contractors just to name a few, and by millions of Americans who believe the federal government should help job creators, not shut them down.

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