Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tanner Fire at 800 acres near Armer Peak in the Sierra Anchas

Tanner Fire on Pleasant Valley Ranger District, Tonto National Forest visible from Tonto Basin, Globe and Young

Pleasant Valley, Ariz. (September 22, 2011 – 1500 hrs.) – Pleasant Valley Ranger District fire specialists are managing the lightning-caused Tanner wildfire, now about 800 acres, which began on August 20 near the peak of Armer Mountain in the Sierra Anchas.   

Fire activity may be visible to visitors and residents in the Tonto Basin, Globe, and Young areas and also when looking south from SR 260.

The fire has backed down the east face of the peak where it will eventually be contained at two forest service roads.

“We ask for the patience and support of everyone as we manage these fires now which will help prevent catastrophic wildfires in the future when weather conditions are much less favorable,” stated Johnny Whatley, Assistant Fire Management Officer.

Due to current weather conditions, including monsoon humidity, these lightning-caused fires can be allowed to play their natural role in the ecosystem.

“In managing wildfires, firefighter, aviation and public safety are always the top priority,” stated Clay Templin, Fire Staff Officer for the forest.  “We have a variety of management strategies to meet multiple objectives on the landscape. Depending on weather, fuel conditions, and terrain, tactics are implemented that meet suppression needs and reduce hazardous fuels.  This reduction in fuels allows for regeneration of vegetation and improves both watersheds and wildlife habitat. All wildfires have suppression actions taken regardless of location.”
For further information, call the Pleasant Valley Ranger District offices at 928-462-4300,  or stay updated at  To report a wildland fire, the fire emergency number is 866-746-6516, or dial 9-1-1.

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