Bull Flat fire closure in effect at 5 pm today
Tonto National Forest, 9 miles northeast of Young, Ariz.
Young, Ariz.
(May 16, 2012) –
Tonto National Forest officials announced today a temporary
closure due to the Bull Flat fire which began on May 10, approximately 9
miles northeast of Young, Ariz. Today the fire is about 1,900 acres in
size and approximately 15 percent contained
The closure order is effective beginning 5 pm, Wednesday, May 16, 2012. The following is a description of
the closure area:
closure boundary starts at the intersection of Forest Road (FR) 512 and
FR 33 and follows FR 512 south to its intersection
with FR 358, then following FR 358 east to its intersection with the
forest boundary. The boundary then follows the forest boundary north
and turns directly east to the intersection of FR 34 and FR 188, then
follows FR 34 north to its intersection with FR
33 and follows FR 33 west to its intersection with FR 512.
FR 512 and FR 33 will remain open for travel during this closure.
The purpose of the closure is to provide
for public and firefighter health and safety during the management of the Bull Flat fire.
fire is currently burning on lands administered by the Fort Apache
Agency and the Pleasant Valley Ranger
District of the Tonto National Forest and is being managed by the Type 2
Eastern Arizona Incident Management Team. For updates on the fire ,
please call the 593 Public Information Line at
Fire restrictions went into effect on the Tonto National Forest today at 8 am.
For further information, see the forest website,
www.fs.usda.gov/tonto. To report a wildland fire, the fire emergency number is 866-746-6516, or dial 9-1-1.
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