ADPS Aviation Unit participating in 11th Annual Swift Water Rescue Rodeo Saturday, June 2
Every year, more people are killed in floods or moving water than any other natural disaster. In past years, as many as 13 people have died in Arizona as a direct result of flash floods or fast-moving water. Countless other people were rescued by specially trained teams such as those that will be demonstrating their skills at Saturday’s Swift Water Rescue Rodeo event.This exciting event, which will take place this Saturday, June 2, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. will be held at Saguaro Lake Ranch which is located just below the Stewart Mountain Dam at Saguaro Lake off of Bush Highway.
This event will feature teams from across the state that are specially trained to rescue victims caught in fast-moving water. The teams will compete in numerous scenarios created to resemble real swift-water rescues that have occurred in the past.
This year’s event will be open to any agency or club that participates in swift-water rescues. Members of the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) Aviation Unit will participate and would like to invite any members of the media who would like to cover the event or participate as a team member (they will be partnered up with a certified rescue technician) to get a real feel of what it takes to conduct these rescues.
With monsoon season quickly approaching, it’s important to remind the public that attempting to cross flooded roads, washes and moving water is extremely dangerous.
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