Monday, May 2, 2011

Governor Brewer on death of bin Laden

Statement by Governor Jan Brewer

Death of Osama bin Laden

“Today, America celebrates the news that the brutal mastermind of the 9/11 and other terrorist attacks on our country has been brought to justice. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude on behalf of all Arizonans to the Navy SEALs and other members of our Armed Forces and intelligence community who had the strength and perseverance to see this particular mission to completion.

“I applaud the leadership of the White House – under President Obama, as well as former presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush – for having the resolve to hold responsible those who have inflicted death and brutality upon American citizens.

“This is a day to rejoice, of course. But it should also be a day of remembrance for the innocent victims of 9/11, and for the Arizona service members who have honorably served and sacrificed for this nation since that fateful September day.

“Let this victory serve as a reminder that America will continue to stand vigilant against those who wish to inflict harm upon its citizens.”

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