Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Annual Democratic Picnic Saturday, October 1 at Rumsey Park in Payson

The Annual Democratic Club Picnic takes place Saturday, October 1 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Rumsey Park, Ramada #4.
Everyone is invited to join us for free hamburgers, hotdogs, salads, desserts and drinks. Contributions accepted.
The purpose is to provide Democratic candidates for public office an opportunity to speak and to meet voters individually. Former U.S. Representative Ann Kirkpatrick, who has announced her candidacy for the District 1 seat now held by Dr. Paul Gosar, is expected to attend.  There'll be lots of fun with music and good food.
For information, contact Jacqueline at 928-951-1394 or Jerry at 928-978-4031.
Sponsored by the Democratic Club of Northern Gila County.

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