Monday, October 3, 2011

Movie reviewer Andy McKinney gives "50/50" 4 Sawblades, is disappointed with "Warrior

Andy says, “50/50" is a serious movie about cancer in a younger person but it allows Seth Rogen to act like his usual funny, idiot self.  He is perfectly cast as the careless, relentlessly horny best pal of the patient, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.  He bombasts, bloviates and blunders through the illness of his best friend, providing not just the audience but his pal as well with badly needed comic relief.  Rogen may be a one trick pony but the director uses his one trick to contrast the deadly serious theme of the film."

Andy McKinney is disappointed with the story line in "Warrior", and gives it just 2 Sawblades. "But the fight scenes, the money scenes for this film, are what make it worthwhile at all.  If sports films are your thing, this will be enough for you," Andy says. For Andy's comments, go to our Movie Review Page.

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