Monday, May 9, 2011

Governor Brewer to petition Supreme Court on SB 1070

Governor Jan Brewer to petition United States Supreme Court to
lift injunction on SB 1070

        PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer today announced that she will immediately petition the U.S. Supreme Court to lift the injunction on the Arizona immigration law known as SB 1070.

        “I’ve always known this legal fight would be a long one,” said Governor Brewer. “But now that this is the path we’ve chosen, I am confident Arizona will prevail.”

        Just over one year since Governor Brewer signed SB 1070 into law, the state of Arizona remains on the front lines of a fight against cartel-fueled crime and violence that is spilling over the international border. The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to lift injunctions imposed upon four key provisions of the law. Those provisions include a requirement that law enforcement officers verify immigration status when they arrest an individual and have reasonable suspicion to believe they’re in the country illegally, and a mandate that specific alien or foreign visitors register with the government and carry documentation.

        Time is of the essence. By appealing this case straight to the U.S. Supreme Court, rather than back to the Ninth Circuit Court, there is greater likelihood that legal questions surrounding SB 1070 will be resolved quickly so that the law can begin to do its job. The state of Arizona has until July 11, 2011, to file its official petition for certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court. It will likely be late September or early October before the court announces whether it will hear the case.

        “When faced with injustice, Arizonans will not sit idly by. We will act,” said Governor Brewer. “For decades, the federal government has neglected its constitutional duty to secure the border. It is because of that negligence that Arizona was forced to take action to protect its citizens via SB 1070.

         “Our issue is bigger than simply border security. It’s about the principle that a state must be able to protect the safety and welfare of its citizens, especially in the absence of sufficient federal assistance. I’m confident that Arizona will emerge victorious from this legal fight.”

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