Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Governor to speak at "Grand Re-opening" to bring tourism back to White Mountains

Governor Brewer to visit White Mountains, celebrate continued recovery from Wallow Fire

Governor Jan Brewer's message as she travels to Springerville Wednesday, August 24: "Come back to the White Mountains."

Brewer will meet with local officials and community members at a "Grand Re-opening" Ceremony and Community Celebration at the Big Lake General Store at 10:30 a.m. at Big Lake Recreation Area 25 miles south of Springerville on SR 273.

Following the public celebration, the governor will meet with local leaders and elected officials at Western Drug and General Store at 106 E. Main Street in Springerville at noon.

Brewer will address the crucial topic of tourism to the White Mountains and is focused on helping the area get back on its feet following this summer's devastating Wallow Fire, the largest fire in the state's history.

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