Monday, September 19, 2011

Pick your own apples and pears and donate to Rim Country Literacy

It's apple and pear pickin' time and time to promote literacy in the Rim Country!

Fran and George Yates of  Flowing Springs have 25 apple and pear trees and the fruit is ready for the picking.  
"We thought that it would be fun this year to use this as a fundraiser for the Rim Country Literacy Program," said Fran Yates, president of the literacy program in Payson.
So, come on out and pick some apples and pears.  In return, leave a donation for the Rim Country Literacy Program.
Starting this week, from Tuesday, September 20, the Yates will be available for folks who want to pick their own apples and pears. Call for information at 472-7359. And bring a friend or two.
The Rim Country Literacy Program is located at 1001 S. Beeline Highway, Suite F in Payson.

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